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Whilst global attentions continue to focus on Covid, another pandemic rages, devastating the lives of over 700 million women worldwide. It’s a pandemic involving one of the most widespread and persistent human rights violations in the world today, yet it remains in the shadows, with most incidents unreported due to the silence, stigma and impunity that surround it. This is the Shadow Pandemic of violence against women.
A shocking 30 percent of women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence. That’s almost a third of all women and girls over the age of 15 who, as a result of the violence, are also more likely to
suffer from depression, anxiety disorders, unplanned pregnancies and other health problems that can persist even after the violence has ended.
The violence usually occurs at the hands of an intimate partner, and tends to be hidden away at home, taking place behind closed doors. So it comes as no surprise that lockdowns, implemented around the world in response to the Covid crisis, have led to an increase in levels of domestic abuse. In fact, in some countries, calls to helplines have risen five-fold. And here in the UK, the police received one call every 30 seconds during the first lockdown of Spring 2020.
The UN is calling this crisis the Shadow Pandemic, a name that serves to emphasise the severity and the dangerously pervasive nature of what is going on.
In our small corner of the world, HISC is working in partnership with three Sussex-based organisations; RISE, Safe in Sussex and Survivors Network, offering long-term and low-cost homeopathic support to women who have experienced violence and abuse in all its guises. For contrary to common perceptions, domestic abuse isn’t just about incidents of physical violence at home. It also manifests as more complex and invisible patterns of control - often defined by coercive and threatening behaviours inflicted financially, psychologically and sexually.
The fallout can be utterly devastating and far-reaching, so recovery is understandably long and complex. Our partner organisations offer a range of support services, including practical help such as legal advice, as well as emotional and physical therapies too. During the lockdowns, many of the hands-on, face-to face services weren’t able to continue, but HISC’s homeopathy services shifted almost seamlessly online. It’s been a lifeline, literally, for many.
So, today, on the day when the UN is calling for everyone to shine a light on this Shadow Pandemic, HISC brings you the voices of some of our brave and courageous clients, who have taken the important step of seeking support and who are using homeopathy on their journey to recovery.
[During lockdown] I had terrible depression, things came back from the past, I was huddled at home, could hardly make it into the garden. Homeopathy played a big part in helping me through that lockdown depression. (Homeopathy client at RISE, July 2020)
Homeopathy at RISE has been a real lifeline for my family over the past 6 years. It is rare to have consistent, long-term support for issues relating to domestic violence. I am profoundly grateful for this service. (Homeopathy client at RISE, Nov 2021)
For the last few years, homeopathy has been a lifesaver (Homeopathy client at RISE, Nov 2021)
Absolutely priceless for me and the kids. It works wonders. Homeopathy at RISE is affordable and is an absolutely amazing service. (Homeopathy client at RISE, Nov 2021)
During the isolation of lockdown, when activities that keep me in good spirits were often not available, the sessions with Tara were a lifeline, and the remedies supported me during periods of strain. (Homeopathy client at Survivors Network, April 2021)
When I first visited, I was in a deep state of shock, trauma and fear. With each visit, Tara has helped me with her remedies and compassionate, kind and professional advice and help. I'm so grateful for the treatment, it is helping me to change my life in so many ways. (Homeopathy client at Survivors Network March 2021)
Homeopathic treatment has brought permanent and radical improvements. (Homeopathy client at Safe in Sussex, Nov 2020)
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If you are in Sussex and have been affected by domestic or sexual abuse, reach out at:
Find out more about HISC and its partner organisations at:
Learn more about homeopathy at:
Photo credit: Pix Poetry on Unsplash